
New content manager and GT3 updates announced for rFactor 2

The virtual 24 Hours of Le Mans didn't go too well for Motorsport Games and Factor 2, but that didn't stop them from announcing some new features this week.

GT3 updates and BOP

rFactor 2 GT3

Factor 2's GT3 class of vehicles comprising 14 cars has received a significant overhaul. GT3 racing is popular worldwide in both sim racing and real-world racing, and we're sure that this big update will be welcomed by loyal rFactor 2 fans. The update consists of the following main features:

  • Improved tyre model
  • New Balance of Performance (BOP)
  • Traction Control and ABS Improvements
  • Gearshift protection
  • Improved sounds

This update will be rolling out on 7 February 2023 as a free update to existing owners of GT3 cars.

New Package Management System

The current system used to manage and download updates for rFactor 2 isn't very good, but it gets the job done. However,  this new version should improve things nicely by allowing  you to split your content and updates into three distinct categories:

  • Local Content
  • Steam Workshop Content
  • Store Content

This will make it easier to manage your content and, more importantly, make it easier to update your content. This may not be as exciting as a new car or track but it's critical for the smooth running of rFactor 2 and ensures you have the latest content with minimal effort.

Final thoughts

The new GT3 updates and content manager will be released on 7 February 2023 as part of the 2023 Q1 content drop. We're obviously happy that Studio-397 are keeping rFactor 2 updated so regularly and hope that their virtual Le Mans troubles will never be repeated. Stay tuned for our full breakdown of the 2023 Q1 content drop.

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