
Overtaking: When not to...

Overtaking is fundamental to motorsport and is part of a driver's skill set that's typically established very early in their career. This is the same in sim racing, but many drivers tend to skip learning the basics and jump to racing fast cars and don't understand why they don't have the racecraft needed to be a fast but safe driver.

This tutorial will cover a few of the basics of overtaking that should help you make better decisions during a race with the aim of giving you more consistent finishes and minimising the chances of a collision.

It's very tempting to just lunge up the inside of the car in front and hope that the other driver sees you coming and gives up the position. This is not recommended and is considered a dive bomb and generally results in a collision.

The Cone of Death

We call the area where the car in front is already starting to turn in, and you are attempting an overtake as the Cone of Death. It's a triangular-shaped area that's narrowing rapidly where you'll run out of room.

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